Sharing everything - Building in public

Gitpages is built in public. This means all learnings, failures and success will be shared and open with the world.

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17 May 2021

100 Early Subscribers Milestone in 10 days! 🎉

Happy to share with everyone yesterday night we hit the 100 early subscribers milestone which was awesome!

To reach 100 I have shared content on Twitter, left comments in reddit, joined discord channels and even created our own discord channel (come join)!

I also released a new video showcasing the new code block, how to move blocks around and a quick intro into themes

Super happy with the progress, still a fair amount to do, but it's coming along nicely.

If you want a landing page for your GitHub project, then sign up for early access and be part of this community!

16 May 2021

Almost at 100 Subscribers after 1 week! 🎉

Find it amazing what you can do if you write a list and focus on getting small incremental value done, also feels like progress being made on Gitpages.

Almost at 100 subs for early access which has been great, although I expect it to slow down abit now as I have tried most channels ( I can think of ) to tell people about gitpages for now. (reddit, linkedin etc).

Getting some good feedback on the project, but question is will anyone be interested in the sponsorware idea. Time will tell.

Enjoying working on the project, with so many ideas it is hard to focus on the value, but think thats going OK, for now...

13 May 2021

78 Subscribers, 574 visits has had 574 visits so far to the website, and 78 people have signed up for early access, which I think is pretty good.

Looks like the idea might be resonating with people around so let's see if that continues as I continue to write the project.

Made some great progress this week with the project and got it to a place I can easily add new blocks, so now I'm just focusing on a blocks and then documentation for the early subscribers.

Also started to embed in communities and getting some good feedback.

Waiting for 100 subscribers, would be epic if we made it this week!

11 May 2021

55 Subscribers to Early Access and New Design

Wow, 1 day after I set the goal for 50 subscribers for early access I managed to get 55!

Seems that Gitpages might help a few people out after all.

I spent some time redesigning the website and logo check it out! Let me know what you think.

Next milestones:

  1. 100 early subscribers
  2. Getting more blocks built for Gitpages
  3. Get more examples in the showcase on the website

10 May 2021

First weekly video released!

Had a thought to share with people on video how things are going, hopefully weekly.

I managed to pull together this video (pretty new at this stuff), but hopefully showcases the kind of work I'm doing and how much I believe GitPages will benefit the world....who knows!

10 May 2021

32 subscribers to early access - Wow!

Two days after I git 10 subscribers, we shot up to 32 subscribers!

I have continued to share the project around and continued to see more traffic to the website.

Getting some good feedback from the idea, and it seems to be coming across well.

Started to work on MVP more and getting the basics setup ready to build blocks for landing pages quickly.

We have had about 230 visitors so far, so its over 10% sign up rate, which is great.

Happy with how its going, the next milestone will be 50 subs!

08 May 2021

10 subscribers to early access!

Using Mailchimp and having a landing page, I started to share the project around on socials, reddit and talking to people.

My aim was to get 10 subscribers in a week, but managed to get it on the first day!

Happy with the result, now next milestone will be 25!

05 May 2021

Come up with the idea for

I was building other open-source projects and building landing pages for them. The landing pages I enjoy but take a fair amount of time. I noticed in the past that projects with landing pages tend to get a bit more traction, and I started to wonder if other people would have similar outcomes?

I started to wonder if there was a quick tool for engineers to use to create landing pages from GitHub projects, a tool that would take seconds to use.... I couldnt find anything, started to hack around and before I know it I get something working!

Grabbed the notepad and started to draw some ideas down.